Saturday 17 May 2008

One day (ONE!) to go

Yeah, I know, it's another picture of a ticket. What can I say other than that I am to photography what Darren Ferguson is to womens lib, so it's probably best that I stick to what I know.

So tomorrow I'll be watching Cambridge United play. At Wembley Stadium. Cool eh.
Having got over the initial nervousness and excitement of playing at the national stadium, my thoughts have begun to turn to the game itself and more specifically to what sort of team our leader is going to pick. I've disagreed with JQ's team selection on a few occasions this season, and more often than not he's been proved correct because we've got the result. Despite this, I'm going to continue giving him the benefit of my great advice, and I think there are three key areas where he needs to make the right choices tomorrow:

Pitt v Reed
Whether we're playing 3-5-2 or 4-4-2, it's imperative the Pittster is in the side. In the past Jimmy has preferred Reed of his supposed defensive qualities, but for me Courts is the better defender as well as obviously offering a lot more going forward. You cannot fault Reedy's workrate, and he's done a good job for us in the past in centre midfield, but I don't think he's good enough positionally to play either left back or left midfield.

Mango v Boylan v Beesley v Lemu
I think it's safe to assume that McEvilly will start, and that the other four strikers are playing for one place. For me it's got to be Boylan or Beesley. Seeing as LFW starts being rubbish/standing around like a useless lump/moaning at everyone after about 10 minutes, any input from him is probably best kept until the latter stages. And Vieira-inho is unfortunately just not good enough. He seems to have the attributes to be a good striker (quick, good control, not bad in the air) but somehow manages to not be one, and it suprises me that JQ has now picked him for three successive games when two superior players (Boylan and Beesley) are ditched if they have a dodgy half hour.

3-5-2 v 4-4-2
3-5-2 worked in the end against Burton, but we looked vulnerable at times, particularly in the first half. Exeter are likely to play 4-5-1, and have dangerous wide players (Carlisle and Moxey) who will be backed up by full backs who like to get forward (Tully and Friend). Because of this I would opt for the extra solidity that 4-4-2 gives us on the flanks. Plus it would allow Danny Brown, who was a bit out of sorts in midfield against Burton, to return to a position in which he seems more comfortable (left back).

Whatever team Jimmy puts out, lets hope one of them can make himself the new Dion Dublin, and I don't mean in the trouser department. Bounce bounce!


Anonymous,  10 November 2008 at 20:28  

Interesting to know.

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