Friday 25 April 2008

AOB: When is a journalist not a journalist?

There was an interesting article in yesterdays Guardian by Roy Greenslade on Coleen McLoughlin. For those of you too lazy to click the link, the future Mrs Rooney listed her occupation as journalist when they signed their wedding banns the other day.

To be fair on Greenslade, the article is pretty well balanced, but it’s clear from his sarcastic tone that he doesn’t believe that Coleen’s contribution to the world of the media – a (presumably ghosted) column in Closer magazine – entitles her to membership of the NUJ.

As one of the fourth estate myself, I find this to be a bit unfair. Not that I am a big fan of Coleen or anything, nor indeed would I want to read about her latest handbag, or whatever.

But journalism, as Greenslade himself points out, is changing, and in fact the term ‘journalist’ itself can encompass so many different people. With the internet changing the way we receive information, any idiot can post on a blog (insert obvious joke here) or messageboard and call themselves a journalist, it’s pretty much a catch all term these days. My dad manages a warehouse, and Jimmy Quinn manages a football team, so they’re both managers, but obviously they don’t do the same job, if you see what I mean.

So, while Coleen and I are both journalists, I would consider myself to be a reporter, as I report the news, something which I assume doesn’t interest her especially. Anyway, I’m waffling now, and I’m not sure entirely what my point is. But it’s probably; Greenslade, don’t be a snob.


Anonymous,  27 April 2008 at 07:16  
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