Wednesday 12 December 2007

Things footballers shouldn't be doing, Part One

Did anyone see that programme on Channel Four last night about erotic blogs? I must confess I only watched for about five minutes, but I did hear that the original sex blogger, Girl with a one-track Mind, managed to garner about 100,000 readers with tales of her sex-ploits.

With this in mind, I’ve decided to make U’s Blog a little bit more risqué, and those offended by the sight of bare male flesh would be advised to look away now.

I’m not an avid reader of Heat magazine, but it has been brought to my attention that one of our former players is currently adorning its pages. Now I know footballers have a lot of time of their hands, but traditionally they fill it by going to bookies, playing on the Playstation, or seducing starstruck teenage girls. What they don’t do is take semi-naked pictures of themselves and enter competitions in national magazines.

So one might consider Omer Riza, one time United goal getter and now Turkish Superleague star, to be something of a pioneer, having recently triumphed in Heat’s torso of the year competition. Photographic evidence is below, but it’s not for the faint hearted:

Judging by the picture, Omer would also be a shoe-in for any bushiest eyebrows award going. In his biog he tries to claim his wife sent the picture in, but given the rampant ego's possessed by most of the footballing fraternity I wouldn't be so sure it wasn't a self-submission. He also appears to be threatening to pose naked for the magazine’s Christmas shoot, except for a “carefully positioned Santa hat”. The mind boggles.


Anonymous,  12 December 2007 at 21:13  

Thats made me feel ill that article with those pictures.

(PS it's Shoo-in not Shoe-in)

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