Wednesday 9 January 2008

AOB: Get out of my face

This is just a short rant so bear with me. I like Facebook. My working day would be considerably less full were I not able to play scrabble, stalk people I used to go to school with, or join fantastic clubs like the Danny Potter appreciation society.

But I’m beginning to get irked by some of my ‘friends’, who seem to think the status function is there so that they can subject me to the banalities of their daily lives. For anyone who doesn’t use Facebook, you can type in your current status so that it appears next to your name – ie what you are up to (Matt is bored at work, Matt is looking forward to Wolves), or perhaps something humorous (Matt is the king, tehehe).

Quite a fun feature you might think, but not when you have people bombarding you with the most retarded things throughout the day. I’ve tried everything I can to hide status updates but a few still seem to be seeping through. Lets take the example of one person I have on my list, who we’ll call X. Status updates from the past two days:

X is awake
X is working
X just had chicken and chips (I particularly like this one)
X is home
X is doing her filing
X is finally finished!! (note the use of double exlamation marks)

And then this morning
X is awake
X is at work
Etc etc et bloody cetera

I'd like to say this is an isolated case, but I could've picked on a few other examples from my friends list. It amazes me that anyone would a) want this much information about what they are up to published on a public website, and b) that they think the world at large would be interested. I assume it’s to show what busy and varied lives they lead, but in my opinion it does precisely the opposite and just highlights the fact that they spend too much time on Facebook, grrrrrr.


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